
Duluth Fine Arts League 2018 Calendar Available Now!
December 8, 2017
This calendar is the brain child of DFAL President Mary Buck, of Lightscapes Portrait Studio: "A labor of love... I created a 2018 calendar and photographed 12 fantastic artists for a Duluth Fine Arts League fundraiser. Calendars are only $10 and proceeds go toward college scholarships for local high school students and art supplies for the art departments at Duluth High School. Many thanks to the twelve artists for their participation. Taking orders now - will ship Dec. 16. Please order one for the holidays."

Framed Print Now Available at Duluth's 2 Smith Gallery
November 21, 2017
This is now hanging (well, technically sitting) over at 2 Smith Gallery in Historic Downtown Duluth, Georgia. If you crave the original 11"x14" drawing, you'll have to steal it from City Hall itself, but you can have this professionally-framed print legally, by purchasing it from the fine folks over at 2 Smith. And, if your loved ones do not all desire to have a 5"x7" print of Duluth City Hall in their stockings, there are TONS of great shopping ideas at this beautiful gallery.

STEAM/Duluth Fine Arts League Art Walk this Friday, Oct. 13
October 9, 2017
The Art Walk is sponsored by the Duluth Fine Arts League and features demonstrations by some of our artists. Also, the STEAM Art Festival is featured at this event, located on the Town Green and Parson's Alley.
Students from the Duluth school cluster will showcase their projects.
We'll also have the food trucks out, and live music.
I'll have table set up; Come by and say, "Howdy!"

Duluth's Fall Festival Sept. 30-Oct. 1
September 17, 2017
If you've not attended the Duluth Fall Festival before, this weekend is your chance! At one of the silent auctions, you'll have an opportunity to bid on a framed 11"x14" print of my Duluth City Hall ink drawing. Proceeds will benefit continued improvements to the Duluth Historic District.
Click on the link below for details regarding schedules, parking, etc.

You're Invited to Arts at Twilight, June 3
May 20, 2017
I've got my tickets! If you purchase in advance, you'll save vs. buying at the door. You'll also have an opportunity to bid on one of my favorite prints (a framed, 11"x14" ink rendering of the Duluth City Hall), during the Silent Auction. Bid high, and bid often!
I'm not sure what heavy hor d'oeuvres are, but I'm willing to find out for a good cause.
Proceeds benefit our scholarship fund for local graduating seniors. To order tickets, click on the link below.

People's Choice Award - Paint Duluth 2
May 14, 2017
I was honored to receive The People's Choice Award for my painting, Not without Sacrifice, at the second annual Paint Duluth plein air event, sponsored by the Duluth Public Arts Commission. I had never entered such an event before, but was encouraged to do so by the fine folks at 2 Smith Art Gallery in downtown Duluth. I'm so glad I did! I learned so much from the other participating artists.
Choosing my subject was easy; I wanted to feature Duluth's beautiful and unique Living Honorarium, situated in the heart of Duluth. When the monument was dedicated in 2011, I had the great privilege of sounding Taps on my bugle when it was unveiled.
I have a great deal to learn about plein air painting, but I'm gonna give it a go at Paint Duluth 3 in 2018! Hope to see you there.

Installation at Duluth's City Hall to Run Through March
February 3, 2017
Okay, it may look more like a closet that needs to be cleaned out vs. a legitimate art exhibition, but I'll take it! Duluth City Hall has generously allowed members of the Duluth Fine Arts League to display their work in a cabinet in the lobby. A friend volunteered me, and there you are (I am). I love Duluth, and hope you'll pop in if you're in the area. The cabinet's mine until the end of March.
While you're there, be sure to check out the amazing mosaic murals in the north entryway. They were designed by muralist Jennifer Freeman ten years ago, but what makes these murals additionally wonderful is that they were created by Duluth citizens under her supervision. What a great way to pull something together! Check out her work here: http://www.mosaicodyssey.com/Duluth.html

Interviewed by HollyAnne Knight of
String and Story
October 7, 2016
I thought being interviewed by a dear friend would be fun.
It was!
It was also challenging. HollyAnne knows me well enough to ask the really tough questions about who we are and the whys behind what we do as artists.
To read the interview, click on the link below. While you're there, I hope you'll also take some time to peruse her site. The story behind Quilts for the Cure, the 501(3)(c) non-profit that HollyAnne founded, is compelling.

Duluth's Fall Festival Sept. 24-25
September 13, 2016
If you've not attended the Duluth Fall Festival before, this weekend is your chance! At one of the silent auctions, you'll have an opportunity to bid on a certificate for a custom home rendering by yours truly. Bid high, and bid often! Proceeds will benefit continued improvements to the Duluth Historic District. Duluth has been my hometown for over 30 years, and I am super-excited to see all the developments that have happened in the last year. If you haven't driven through Duluth for a while, you will be too.
Click on the link below for details regarding schedules, parking, etc.

Movers & Shakers Top Golf Fun(ds) for Furniture Event - August 28
August 10, 2016
Our family has seen first-hand the value of this very practical ministry. Please consider attending this event on Sunday, and supporting a great cause. At the silent auction, you'll have an opportunity to bid on a custom ink portrait of your home or the home of a loved one. Bid high, and bid often!
Click on the link below for details:

Pen and Ink Drawing of Duluth City Hall Donated
December 16, 2012
A dear friend of mine challenged me to draw a building that didn't look like it belonged on a cul-de-sac - something that would add variation to my portfolio.
Duluth's beautiful new City Hall made for an appealing subject, but also proved to be quite a challenge (there are a LOT of bricks in City Hall). That brought the next challenge - what to do with it? City Councilwoman Marsha Anderson Bomar graciously accepted it as a gift for the City of Duluth, and it now hangs on the ground floor of City Hall.